GRIN In Europe And The World

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GRIN Map Of Europe

In the following list you will find the number of GRIN families per country in Europe as we know it today. We will regularly update this list as we learn of more GRIN families in Europe.

Netherlands & Belgium 55
Germany 90
Spain 62
Austria 6
Luxemburg 1
Switzerland 1
Denmark 5
Norway 7
Finland 1
France 50+
Italy 30+
Greece 7
Portugal 1
UK 30+
Latvia 1
Poland 11
Iceland 2

Contact us if you want to know more about your local GRIN community.

Other GRIN Groups


GRIN Facebook pages and Private groups:

  • Grin in Nederland
  • GRINpatias 
  • GRIN2B France
  • Gemeinsam GRIN 
  • Maurizzio GRIN2A Italia 
  • GRI Italia
  • GRIN2B parent support group
  • GRIN 1 Parent support group
  • GRIN research discussion group
  • GRIN2B Foundation
  • GRIN2A support group
  • GRIN2D support group
  • GRIN2B Simon’s Searchlight Community
  • Neurostorming support group
  • GRIN Brasil

Hospitals With Expertise In GRIN Disorders Within Europe:

San Joan de Déu Hospital, Barcelona. Spain

Dr. Ángels García- Cazorla, Director of the Neurometabolic Disorders Unit and the Director of Research and the Brain Project at Sant Joan de Déu Hospital. Teaching faculty at North American Metabolic Academy. PI in the L-Serine clinical trial in GRIN.

Dr. Natalia Alexandra Juliá, neurologist and pediatric neurologist.

Universitaetsklinikum Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Professor dr. Andreas Lemke, geneticist. 

Dr. Ilona Krey, geneticist.

Unlike other geneticists, the Leipzig team is also actively involved in the treatment of children with GRIN disorders.

Erasmus UMC, Encore, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Dr. Danielle Veenma, pediatrician for hereditary and congenital diseases

Dr. Suzanne Koudijs, pediatric neurologist

Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Dr. Floor Jansen, pediatric neurologist.

Dr. Jansen is specialized in the treatment of children with Gain of Function GRIN disorders with autism and epilepsy. She treats with memantine, bumtanide and she participates in the clinical trial for Radiprodil.

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